I think Dodd needs a few readers to call his office and let him know how much of a hypocrit and liar he is!..Only a democrat would have the audacity to do this.
By: Jim Meyers
Sen. Christopher Dodd is pushing ahead with a call for prosecuting Bush administration officials over the use of waterboarding terrorist detainees.
The Connecticut Democrat told home-state bloggers over the weekend that the Obama administration's release of memos detailing interrogation techniques used on detainees creates a "moral imperative" for a congressional investigation — or a criminal probe that could involve former Vice President Dick Cheney's staff, Politico.com reported.
When asked if a probe should go "as high as Cheney's office," Dodd replied: "You gotta go where you gotta go."
Dodd cited his father's experience as a prosecutor at the Nuremberg war crimes trials. Attorney Thomas Joseph Dodd, who was later elected to the Senate, held a leading position on the Allied prosecution team in 1945 and 1946.
Referring to the Nazi defendants, Dodd said "even these thugs got a lawyer; even these thugs got a trial."
He added: "In a sense, not to prosecute people or pursue them when these acts have occurred is . . . to invite it again in some future administration."
The New York Times reported on Tuesday that an internal Justice Department inquiry had found that Bush administration lawyers who authorized harsh interrogations committed no crimes warranting prosecution.
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